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New Kingdom Hospital
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

New Kingdom Hospital
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

New Kingdom Hospital
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Our design for the New Kingdom Hospital is inspired by the Bimaristan, the Middle East care-giving clinic and ancestor of the modern hospital. Like the Bimaristan, our design provides a close connection between the patient and nature, that relationship helping the patient’s recuperation.

In our scheme, ten highly articulated low buildings are organised within a cool, quiet landscaped garden with water pools. The buildings surround a central courtyard, a grand social space which also forms the core of the building’s environmental strategy. Sail-like structures overlap to provide diffused light and create a patterned roof which resembles an arbour of tall trees.

Designed in collaboration with AECOM, the scheme for the expansion of the existing facilities includes an outpatient ambulatory care and day surgical centre, diagnostic and treatment services including a radiology suite and laboratory, a psychiatry hospital, wellness, anti-aging services, a spa, a conference centre as well as associated administration and support services. At the heart of the new campus is a diagnostic and treatment block which connects to both inpatient and outpatient services.

The design also includes dedicated circulation for patients, visitors and staff and discreet access for psychiatric patients and emergency walk-ins. A new organization of public and vehicular circulation and service components also contributes to the clarity of the redesigned campus.

The Kingdom Hospital Management

Hospital (diagnostic and treatment services and outpatient facilities)


Invited Design Competition

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