
PLP Partner, Karl Sharro, presents research on Gulf Urbanism at Dubai Design Week

November 13, 2018

Karl Sharro, PLP Partner, presented research on Gulf urbanism in a keynote speech at Dubai Design Week. The discussion illustrated our ideas about the future development of cities in the region, and how technological development can have a bold influence on interaction, movement, culture, learning, the workplace and living. Arab cities today face serious challenges, but they also have huge potential. We have been working on a piece of research, leading to the first in a series of publications, The New Arab City – Volume 1: The Gulf.

The debate has been reported by The National, who demonstrated glee in reporting some of the more futuristic elements of the proposals.

“Traditionally, we build and it’s an explosion, which goes up, and the buildings are not connected. New technology is going to move us away from driving on roads. All of a sudden, we can start to think of driving a motorcycle on the 40th floor of a building or better still, of the motorcycle driving itself.”

Karl Sharro, PLP Architecture