Tony Plaw, FCA
Tony Plaw is a Partner at PLP Architecture and has led the finance team since the founding of the practice. Tony’s work reaches right across the office, playing a vital role in both the day-to-day life of the studio as well as the bigger picture.
He is currently responsible for the financial and commercial management of the practice and heads our Quality Management Group and the Business Continuity Group. He oversees the human resources, facilities management and information technology teams and leads the legal, insurance and health and safety compliance of the practice. He also acts as Company Secretary and has driven the practices accreditations with ISO 9001:2015 for Quality Management and ISO 14001:2015 for Environmental Management.
Tony is a long-standing member and currently chair of the Architects’ Financial Management Group (AFMG), a forum for finance and practice heads of UK architectural practices, which meets quarterly in London.